Your child’s safety is our priority.
During the start of our school year, we will spend some time getting use to our new procedures for entering the school building, and maintaining personal hygiene in our classrooms. The following information is shared with our families in regards to our procedures.
first week of school procedures
Our first day of school is Tuesday, September 1, 2020. The first day of school will be only for Preschool (PreK 3 and PreK 4) and Kindergarten. The purpose of this is to limit the number of visitors and to lessen the stress and anxiety on our youngest students. This transition will be extremely difficult for these young learners and they will need some time to make adjustments to their new environment.
This means that all other grades (Grades 1-8) will report to school on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. Only parents of students in Pre-K and Kindergarten will be allowed to walk their child into the building. If there is a particular need for a student in another grade, please speak to me directly.
This year we will modify the morning drop-off and our morning gathering procedure. As such, if parents wish to accompany their student for the traditional morning gathering, the school will utilize the exterior staircase between the school building and the church on Essex Street. Families must ensure this is the only path that is used to access the rear courtyard. It will be mandatory for any individual that wishes to participate to wear a face covering at all times. The morning gathering and prayer will no longer take place in the hall but rather be conducted in the rear courtyard (weather permitting). All changes are being made based on the issued guidelines, and may need to be adjusted as necessary.
The guidance given to us from the Massachusetts Department of Education requires all staff and students in Grades 2-8 to wear a mask while they are in school. To allow for uniformity across all grade levels, the school has placed an order of masks for all of our students. Each student will receive five cloth masks (3 blue / 2 black) (one of each day of the week, to allow for the masks to be washed at the end of the week.) This will be a part of the school uniform, and it is mandatory. These masks are adjustable via the cinch or ear loops.
Alternative face coverings, such as face shields and/or clear masks will be utilized under certain conditions, and/or educational needs. These situations will be considered on a case by case basis.
It is important that a clean mask is worn to school each day. With five masks, you can rotate through the masks each day, and wash them at the end of the week. We will have extra disposable masks on hand, (at a cost of $2) for emergency use only. Students and families who do not comply with these standards will not be allowed into the building. We do understand that this can be an inconvenience, but we are asking everyone’s patience and cooperation.
As stated above, as we look into scheduling, we will integrate moments for “mask breaks”. This will most likely take place when the students are outside of the building, where fresh air is available. Students will follow social distancing guidelines when this occurs as well. Please note for students in Preschool to Grade 1, though masks are not required, they are encouraged. Students will also be allowed any mask break that they might need throughout the day, being allowed to move to a window/hallway, where they may safely remove their mask.