*** Click here for Travel Notice: Updated March 16, 2021***
Your child’s safety is our priority.
It is crucial that parents and the school keep in constant communication regarding the health of our students. With that being said, it is imperative that students remain home from school if they are sick, especially if they show any symptoms of COVID-19, and contact their medical professional immediately. I strongly encourage parents and or guardians to self screen their children before coming to school each day. If, for any reason, your child will be absent you must notify the school and explain the reason for their absence. The office will log absences and the reasoning behind the absence. This is to track students’ health and to reduce the possibility of other students getting sick.
When students arrive at the school, they will be observed by teachers/staff at the point of entry to ensure that they are feeling well. If students are not feeling well, they will be instructed to return home with their parents. Please note that temperature checks will not take place, per the recommendation from the Massachusetts Department of Education.
The rule of thumb is simple, when in doubt, stay home.
If your student has any of the following symptoms below, they are to stay home:
• Fever (100.4 degrees or higher), chills, or shaking chills))
• Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough)
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• New loss of taste of smell
• Sore throat
• Headache when in combination with other symptoms
• Muscle aches or body aches
• Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
• Fatigue when in combination with other symptoms
• Nasal congestion or runny nose when in combination with other symptoms (not due to other known illnesses, such as allergies
If a student has any of the above symptoms, they must get a COVID-19 test, and test negative prior to returning to school. The school will have a list of available test sites should you need assistance and guidance with this matter. If a student gets tested for COVID-19 and the results come back positive, they will have to remain home for at least 10 days, be fever free for at least 3 days, and any other symptoms must be cleared.
If a student or staff member reports coronavirus-like symptoms during the school day, they will be evaluated by the school nurse, and leave the premises immediately. They will adhere to the same guidelines as our students, meaning they will have to have a COVID-19 test and it must come back negative in order for them to return to the classroom. If a student exhibits symptoms, they will be placed in the designated medical waiting room to be picked up by their parent or guardian.
It should be noted, a designated medical waiting room (COVID Isolation Room) has been constructed as instructed by the guidelines. This area does in fact have a separate bathroom, waiting area, and exit to avoid the school population.
Under the current conditions, frequent hand washing & hand sanitizing is critical for the health and safety of our school community. The school has purchased additional hand sanitizing stations that will be installed across the school, as well as additional soap dispensers for bathrooms and classrooms. Upon our return to school, each class will review proper hand washing techniques. Each child is asked to have extra hand sanitizer with them.
Cleaning of surfaces is also an important part in keeping everyone healthy. As part of PPE ordered for the school, we will have all the necessary chemicals to properly disinfect all of our surfaces. They will be cleaned at the end of each school day, as well as before and after each use.
In closing, the Diocese of Fall River and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) are both working medical experts to support schools.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has provided a full detailed response to COVID-19 health and safety issues that may arise this school year. LINK
Here is a video about reopening school in Massachusetts that was posted by DESE. LINK
Here is an important notice from the Diocese of Fall River Catholic Schools Alliance in regards to travel and quarantine procedures: LINK